11 Things Not To Do in Dubai: A Guide For Tourists

Things are never the same in any two destinations. That’s why we’re going to get you up to speed on what to expect and how to prepare for your trip to Dubai. There are a handful of activities you may do habitually that can conflict with local law and, as a result, land you in jail or bring an end to your dream vacation trip. Now, we don’t want that to happen!
Dubai at Nights

When traveling in the Middle East, there are some laws and social etiquette you need to follow. The United Arab Emirates are no different. Dubai, the flashy cosmopolitan center whose skyscrapers you’ve probably seen thousands of times on Instagram, has rules, values, and regulations that are taken very seriously. Despite its modernity, Dubai is still a deeply conservative place in a Muslim country. You must behave accordingly.

Isn’t that part of the fun of traveling, though? Learning to observe, respect, and appreciate different cultures. Things are never the same in any two destinations. That’s why we’re going to get you up to speed on what to expect and how to prepare for your trip to Dubai.

There are a handful of activities you may do habitually that can conflict with local law and, as a result, land you in jail or bring an end to your dream vacation trip. Now, we don’t want that to happen!

Since vacationing in Dubai seems to be on everyone’s bucket list, let’s talk about things not to do in Dubai so you can save yourself embarrassment or even possible jail time.

Shaking Hands

1. Don't use your left hand when greeting anyone.

When in Dubai, you must exercise caution when using your hands. Never use your left hand to eat, greet people, open doors, or hand over something, mainly food.

You would ask why?

It’s simple: the left hand is considered unclean in all Arab cultures because it cleans oneself after using the toilet.

If you are left-handed, you can strive to appear as ambidextrous as possible in public to avoid any issues. You may need a little practice, but it’s worth the effort. 

Sign Prohibiting Public Displays of Affection

2. Avoid Public Displays of Affection (PDA)

Holding hands, hugging, and kissing in public are considered socially unacceptable in Dubai. Like in much of the Middle East, people tend to keep to themselves and don’t show their feelings in public.

It’s best to save any displays of passion, affection, or love to your significant other or even your family for when you’re behind closed doors. If you’re caught kissing your partner in public, for instance, you can end up with a costly fine or, even worse, in prison.

Foreigners have already suffered the repercussions, including one couple that was jailed for a month for kissing in a bathroom. Do not join the bandwagon. 

Billboard with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

3. Do not wear revealing clothing.

You will be pleasantly surprised to know that the UAE is more lenient with the way people dress up than you may think. In fact, Dubai is a fashion capital in the Middle East, with tons of international designers and local fashion houses gracing its shopping malls. 

The dress code for women in Dubai isn’t as strict as, let’s say, Saudi Arabia. For instance, women aren’t required to wear a hijab, or headscarf, except when going to the mosque. Men can go shirtless at the beach or wear shorts to the mall. 

Even though Dubai is known for its chic clothes, it is still important to have an appropriate dress while visiting the city. It means that you should be mindful of dressing according to where you would be going. Refrain from wearing transparent, suggestive, immodest, offensive and, or revealing clothes in public places. You can wear swimwear or bikinis in pools, water parks, and beaches.


4. Do not use profanity in public.

This one is self-explanatory. Dubai is quite conservative when it comes to foul language. Hurling obscenities will get you fined or worse.

You must be on your best behavior. Even if someone or something provokes you, restrain yourself from using profanity in public. You’re on an epic vacation. Lighten up.

Family pictures

5. Do not take people's photos without permission.

Dubai is a place of scenic beauty, and it might tempt you to take photographs as you go around the city. However, you must be highly cautious while clicking your camera in Dubai because modesty and safety are essential to the people.

You cannot take snaps of people without consent, especially if they are women and children.

According to Article 378 of the UAE Penal Code, taking photos and videos of people without their consent is an invasion of their privacy. The camera in such circumstances will be confiscated and the recordings destroyed, but the photographer may have to pay a fine.


6. Do not carry all your medicines.

UAE has a stringent anti-drug policy, which means that one thing not to take to Dubai is prescribed medicines and illicit drugs.

Not even your anti-anxiety drugs are allowed! Airports are always on high alert, and if you happen to break the rule and get caught, you can face up to four years in prison! Not a pretty scene during a vacation, so check UAE’s official website to look up the medicines that are permitted and the ones that you can not carry along with you.

And if there is a medicine you must take along, do not forget to bring its prescription.

eating hot dog

7. Do not eat in public during Ramadan.

Eating in public during Ramadan can land you in jail for up to a month.

Article 313 of the Penal Code of UAE considers it a crime for anyone to consume food or even drink in public during Ramadan. This rule applies to tourists as well. All restaurants remain closed anyway during the fasting period. If you are visiting Dubai during the holy month of Ramadan, you must know that it is forbidden to eat in public, drink, and smoke from day to dusk when the Muslims in the city are fasting. Not even a snack in your car or even chewing gum in public. 

You can, however, eat in the comfort of your hotel room or restaurants where they have screened off the eating area for guests to eat without being noticed. Children and pregnant women are allowed to eat, but it is best to use discretion to respect the culture. 

This rule, however, does not apply to non-Muslims.

Angry driver

8. Do not make rude hand gestures while driving.

If you’re in Dubai and want to ramp things up, take a sports car for a spin around the capital.

There are several places in Dubai where you can rent a sports car for the day, but you must exercise extreme caution.

Although it may be acceptable in your country to use rude hand signals while driving to signal the other driver and express dissatisfaction, it is completely unacceptable in Dubai. Doing it can land you in big trouble – as in years of jail time – and ruin your vacation. It is one of the most severe mistakes to avoid in Dubai.

Packing suitcase

9. Do not carry any products that are banned.

When traveling to Dubai, you must be extra careful when packing because not all things are permitted in the country. Make a note of products that are banned in the UAE. Most of them are the same as in any other country, but it doesn’t hurt to double check while you pack your bags.

To begin, if you want to read throughout your trip, stay away from books with adult material, such as women’s fashion magazines. Religious books can be perceived as offensive so it’s best to leave them behind.

Next, you must not bring any Israeli-made goods. We won’t go into Middle East politics, but tensions with Israel are high here. Also refrain from bringing any bacon or pork products with you. 

Happy family in Dubai

10 .Do not disrespect the Royal family in public.

When traveling to Dubai, you must be extra careful when packing because not all things are permitted in the country. Make a note of products that are banned in the UAE. Most of them are the same as in any other country, but it doesn’t hurt to double check while you pack your bags.

To begin, if you want to read throughout your trip, stay away from books with adult material, such as women’s fashion magazines. Religious books can be perceived as offensive so it’s best to leave them behind.

Next, you must not bring any Israeli-made goods. We won’t go into Middle East politics, but tensions with Israel are high here. Also refrain from bringing any bacon or pork products with you. 

do not drink

11. Do not drink or dance in public.

Dubai has a long list of swanky nightclubs and bars where you can drink and dance to your heart’s content. Drinking in public, on the other hand, is a no no. Being inebriated on the streets could result in fines, detention, or even deportation.

Dancing is only permitted in the secrecy of licensed clubs or at one’s residence. In Dubai, it is also illegal to listen to loud music. Just put your headphones on.

Frequently Asked Questions.

While some of these points may seem weird to you, you must realize that every community has its traditions that do not always align with your sense of normality.

Just make sure we got you covered, below are some of the most asked questions about visiting Dubai and their answers. 


  • Is it okay to wear shorts in Dubai?

Yes, you can wear shorts in Dubai when you are out in the city, visiting malls, and grabbing up lunch or dinner in restaurants. Please make sure that if you visit a religious/spiritual place, wear sensitive and suitable clothes for the place. When in doubt, cover up! This applies to both men and women.

  • Can unmarried couples go on holiday to Dubai?

Yes, unmarried couples can go on holiday to Dubai. It is perfectly alright to book a holiday together and stay in Dubai as an unmarried couple during your vacation. 

  • Is it legal to drink alcohol in Dubai?

No, it’s not illegal to drink alcohol in Dubai. Tourists can have drinks in restaurants and hotels. You can visit the desired establishment and show proof of age if necessary. 

  • Is it safe to visit Dubai as a solo traveler?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to travel to Dubai solo and explore this exotic destination all by yourself. There are good safety rules and regulations that ensure you have a fantastic experience in Dubai. 


  • Is social media legal in Dubai? 

Yes, it is. Just be wary of what you post. Individuals making posts meant to mock Muslims, the government, or its laws are subject to imprisonment.


Now that you know what to expect and the important rules to keep in mind, go out and explore Dubai. Relax, take in the sights, and enjoy your vacation!


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